Some algorithms for Graceful labeling

Author & Affiliation:
R. Vikrama Prasad (
Research Scholar, Vinayaka Missions Univesity & Lectuerer, Sona College of Technology, Slaem - 636 005 Tamilnadu - INDIA
R. Sattanathan
Reader and Head, P.G., Research, Deptt. of Mathematics, D.G. Vaishnav College, Arumbakkam, Chennai- 600 106
graceful labeling, graceful graph, Harmonius labeling
Issue Date:
December 2010

A simple graph G is a graceful graph if there exists a graceful labeling of the vertices of G. A graph G with e edges has a graceful labeling if there exists an injective function  ʎ: V (G) →{0, 1, …, e} such that ʎ (x) - ʎ​​​​​​​ (y)| is distinct and nonzero for all xy E (G). If we cannot gracefully label the vertices of G, then G is a non-graceful graph. Graceful labeling is one of the best known labeling methods of graphs. In this work, I will try to give some of the Algorithms of graceful labeling in Harmonius labeling

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R. V. Prasad; R. Sattanathan, "Some algorithms for Graceful labeling", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 3, Page Number 733-740, 2018

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R. V. Prasad; R. Sattanathan, "Some algorithms for Graceful labeling", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 3, Page Number 733-740, 2018

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