
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - A
Voulume: 25
Issue: 3
Article No. 1
Setting up a Public Utility Service-Application of graph theory
Abstract :

The concepts like distance, eccentricity, radius etc. are very common in graph theory. Applying these concepts, Prajapati3 has designed a model to set up a fire station in a town. This paper is an extension of this idea and it deals with how can a public utility service in a certain region be made available to the various places in another region in the most democratic way. It also discusses at which place a public utility service shall be set up when two regions are connected by a bridge.

Keyword : Graph, distance, walk, path, eccentricity, radius, bridge, connectedness.
Paper Download Count : 841
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Article No. 2
L(d,1) – labeling of join of path and cycle and join of complete graph with path and cycle
Abstract :

Given a graph G and a positive integer d, an L(d, 1)-labeling of G is a function f that assigns to each vertex of G a non-negative integer such that if two vertices u and v are adjacent, then f (u)  f (v)  d ; if u and v are not adjacent but there is a two-edge path between them, then f (u)  f (v )  1. The L(d, 1)-number of G,    d G , is defined as the minimum m such that there is an L(d, 1)-labeling f of G with f(V) {0, 1, 2,…, m}. Motivated by the channel assignment problem introduced by Hale, the L(2, 1)-labeling and the L(1, 1)-labeling (as d=2 and 1, respectively) have been studied extensively in the past decade. This article extends the study to all positive integers d.The aim of this paper is to determine the λd-number of the join of path and cycle and two graphs, Km + Pn and Km + Cn .

Keyword : L(d,1)-labeling, λd-number, join of two graphs.
Paper Download Count : 993
View Count : 863
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Article No. 3
A Fuzzy-Based Assessment Model for the Evaluation of Faculty Teaching Performance
Abstract :

The evaluation of faculty performance plays a great role in monitoring and improving the performance of educational systems. Normally, the evaluation considers their contributions in teaching, research, and professional services. One of the common mechanisms for evaluating teaching performance is through a questionnaire that is distributed to students to express their opinions on the performance of their faculty. However, this questionnaire often contains vaguely defined linguisitic terms such as strong, competent, unsatisfactory, agree, strongly agree, etc. In this paper, we present a fuzzy assessment model to evaluate the teaching performance of faculty members from the data collected from their students. In this approach fuzzy sets are used to reperesent the impreciseness due to subjective judgements, and a fuzzy inference system is used to provide a crisp score for each faculty member.

Keyword : Assessment models, Teaching strategies, Fuzzy sets and logic, Fuzzy inference system (FIS).
Paper Download Count : 895
View Count : 881
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Article No. 4
Reliability Analysis of a Two-Unit Cold Standby System with Arrival Time of the Server Subject to MOT
Abstract :

This paper analyses the reliability of a cold standby system consisting of two repairable units and a server. At any time, one of the two units is operating while the other is on cold standby. The server takes some time to visit the system to do preventive maintenance and repair of the system. The preventive maintenance of the system is done by the server after a maximum operation time. The unit fails directly from the normal mode. The failure time of the unit follows negative exponential distribution while the distribution of preventive maintenance and repair times are taken as arbitrary. Repair and maintenance are perfect. The semi-Markov process and regenerative point technique is used to obtain expressions for various measures of system effectiveness. The behaviour of some important reliability measures has been observed graphically giving particular values to various costs and parameters.

Keyword : Cold Standby System, Preventive Maintenance, Maximum Operation Time and Arrival Time of the Server
Paper Download Count : 905
View Count : 934
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Article No. 5
A Note on Bernoulli Numbers and Their Computer programs
Abstract :

Bernoulli’s numbers play an important role in mathematics and in various places like number theory, numerical analysis and differential topology. The aim of this paper is to provide a Computer program on Bernoulli numbers and their polynomials.

Keyword : Bernoulli numbers, power sum polynomials MSC 2010-11B68
Paper Download Count : 781
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Article No. 6
Generalized Bernoulli polynomials and their basic properties
Abstract :

The Bernoulli polynomials have important applications in number theory and classical analysis. They appear in the integral
representation of differential periodic functions. Since they are employed for approximating such function in terms of polynomials3. The object of the present paper is to prove some basic properties of generalized Bernoulli polynomials.

Keyword : Bernoulli polynomial, Bernoulli number, generalized Bernoulli polynomials, generating function
Paper Download Count : 768
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Article No. 7
Degree of Approximation of Functions Belonging to the Generalized Lipschitz Class By Product Means of its Fourier series
Abstract :

In this paper,a new theorem on the degree of approximation of functions belonging to the class Lip((t),r) class by Euler and Matrix (E,q)A-product means of the Fourier series has been established.

Keyword : Degree of approximation, Lip((t),r) class of function, (E,q) mean, A -mean, (E,q) A -Product means, Fourier series, Lebesgue integral. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B05, 42B08.
Paper Download Count : 887
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Article No. 8
One modulo N gracefulness of acyclic graphs
Abstract :

A function f is called a graceful labelling of a graph G with q edges if f is an injection from the vertices of G to the set (0, 1, 2,..., q) such that, when each edge xy is assigned the label | f(x) — f(y)|, the resulting edge labels are distinct. A graph G is said to be one modulo N graceful (where N is a positive integer) if there is a function  from the vertex set
of G to {0, 1. N, (N + 1), 2N, (2N + 1),..., N(q - 1). N(q -1) + 1} in such a way that (i)  is 1-1 (ii)  induces a bijection * from the edge set of G to {1, N+1, 2N +1,..., N(q - 1)+1} where *(uv) = |(u) - (v)|. In this paper we prove that the acyclic graphs viz. Paths, Caterpillars, Stars and S2,n S2,n are one modulo N graceful for all positive integer N; Lobsters, Banana trees and Rooted tree of height two are one modulo N graceful for N > 1. where Sm,n Sm,n is a graph obtained by identifying one pendant vertex of each Sm,n. This is a fire cracker of subdivisioned stars.

Keyword : Graceful, modulo N graceful, Path, Sm,n , Sm,n Sm,n, Caterpillar, Star, Lobster, Banana tree and Rooted tree ofheight two AMS Subject Classification (2010):05C78
Paper Download Count : 910
View Count : 946
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Article No. 9
Characterizations of Topological Properties using Closed and Open Set Subspaces
Abstract :

Within this paper, subspace questions are further investigated for compact spaces, hereditarily compact spaces, and T0 spaces using closed set subspaces and open set subspaces.

Keyword : subspaces, proper subspace inherited properties, T0, and compactness.
Paper Download Count : 777
View Count : 864
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Article No. 10
The Semientire Edge Dominating Graph
Abstract :

The semientire edge dominating graph Eed(G) of a graph G=(V, E) is a graph with the vertex set E S where S is the set of
all minimal edge dominating sets G and with two vertices u,v E S adjacent if u,v F where F is a minimal edge dominating set in S or u E and v=F is a minimal edge dominating set of G containing u. In this paper, a characterization is given for graphs G for which Eed(G) is connected. Further, some new results are established relating to this new graph.

Keyword : edge dominating graph, semientire edge dominating graph. Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C
Paper Download Count : 786
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