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The Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences (JUSPS) publishes internationally mathematical and numerical analysis, algebra, geometry, topology, mathematical physics, discrete mathematics, operations research, mathematical programming, mathematical logic, mathematical control, dynamical systems, decision sciences, probability theory, statistical mechanics, applied statistics, mathematical finance, actuarial science & risk management, applied econometrics, bioinformatics, mathematical chemistry, mathematical biology, strength of materials, heat and mass transfer and are also welcome for publication.
"Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences (JUSPS)" publishes papers in Pure & Applied Physics, Engineering Physics, Astrophysics, Atmospheric and Space physics; Atomic & Molecular Physics; Biophysics; Condensed Matter & Materials Physics; General & Interdisciplinary Physics; Nonlinear dynamics & Complex Systems; Nuclear Physics; Optics and Spectroscopy; Particle Physics; Plasma Physics; Relativity & Cosmology; Statistical Physics,Nuclear physics, Optics and optical physics , Energy, Geophysics , Nano Physics & Nano Technology. All allied and interdisciplinary branches of physics.
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences Publishing Geology research articles in Earth Sciences, Earth Surface Process and Sedimentary Geology, Geobiology, Geomicrobiology & Paleontology, Geochemistry, Geophysics & Geodynamics, Global Change & Paleoclimate, Hydrogeology, Petrology, Mineralogy, Volcanology, Techtonics, Thernochronology & Structural Geology, Marine Processes, Early Earth Evolution, Geocostal Research, Seimology, Paleomagnetism, Energy Resources, Human Environment Interaction, Land Use Change, Engineering Geology, Geometallurgy, Soil and Soil Pollution and allied subjects.
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences (JUSPS) publishes short commnications, review articles and original research papers Nanotechnology research articles in Biomaterials, Biomedicine, Biophysics, Carbon Nanostructures, Nanofluids,
Nanomechanics, Photonics, Nanoparticles, Computational Nanotechnology, Nanoscale Manufactuirng, Thermal micro/nanosystems, Advanced nanomechanical Materials, Nanotechnology related to food and agriculture, Nanocomposites and interdisciplinary topics.
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences (JUSPS) is Publishing research papers in Bio Medical Engineering ,Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering Aerospace engineering, Civil Engineering, Textile Engineering, Agriculture engineering, Automobile Engineering, Biological & Biosystem Engineering, Complexity in Applied Science and Engineering, Computational Science & Engineering, Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning, Marine Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Transportation Engineering research articles, operations research etc.
Optical Materials, Electronic Materials, Magnetic Materials, Material Processing and Manufacturing, Welding Engineering, Super Conductors, Microsctructure and Property Relationship, Computational Modelling, Ceramic Composite materials, Energy Material and Devices, Surface Engineering, Polymer and Soft Matter, Computational Material Science, Materials for Energy, Structural Materials.
Technology and Sustainable Development, Information System Technology Management, Communication Technology, Educational Technologies and Learning Technologies, Green Technology, Manufacturing Technology, Evaluation in Management, Legal Aspect in Educational Mannagement, Quality Management in Education, School Management and Supervision, Strategic Management.
The Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences is publishing articles of Accounting & Mangement, Business Economics, Health Policy Management, Marketing, Organization Behavior, Strategy, Technology& Operations Mangement, Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Responsibility & Ethics, International Business, Work & Employment relations, information Mangement, Human Resource Mangement, Supply Chain Mangement, Design &Innovation and any interrelated subject. Tourism and Transportation Management, Hospitality Management, Sports Tourism Management, Resource Planning, Consumer Behavior. Environment Management :- Sustainable Development, Environmental Planning, Natural Resource Planning and Management, Environmental and Strategic Impact Assessment, Evironment Economics.
The "International Journal of Applied and Pure Biology" and International "Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology" of M Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Cancer Biology, Developmental Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biophysics, Neurobiology, Structural Biology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Genetics, Cell Biology, Chemical Biology, Genomics, Anatomy, Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Development & Regeneration, Environmental Biology, Entomology, Epidemiology & Population Biology and any interdisciplinary subjects related to Botany and Zoology.
Chemistry & Environment Sciences
The Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences (JUSPS) publishes articles in all areas of pure and applied chemistry, chemical sciences and chemical engineering like Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Polymer Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Material Chemistry, Organometallics, Ocean Chemistry, Combustion Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Pollution Chemistry, Thermo Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Synthetic Drugs, Environmental Chemistry, Agricultural Chemistry, Nano-Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Engineering Chemistry, Fluid Engineering, Medical Engineering.
Computer Science & Information Technology
All Computer Science and Information Technology Subjects