Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences (JUSPS) publishes original and innovative research work (Online and Print) in all fields of physical sciences, engineering (all branches) and management. The old ISSN of JUSPS was 0970-9150 .
Kindly submit your research article(s) for publication in JUSPS by filling up the Paper Submission form or alternatively, you can send your research paper(s) by email:- jusps2001[at]
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences (JUSPS) an open access, double blind peer reviewed refereed scholarly international research journal published monthly with the aim of rapid dissemination of scientific knowledge of physical sciences among researchers, scientists, professors academicians industrialists to have a better understanding and knowledge of current researches through reviews on current topics.
MS Word (Open file) or LaTeX along with pdf for JUSPS -A (Mathematics) .
Use MS Word (Open file) to prepare the manuscript for JUSPS-B (Physics, Geology, Nanotechnology, Engineering, Management, Bio-Sciences, Material Science, Chemistry, Computer science and information Technology) .
The manuscript should be in English language. If you need assistance in English (Paper Writing) kindly click- Publication Support
Keep the format as per instructions
Authors name should follow the Title. Name should be as running text, normal size 12 line spacing 1.5.
First Name Middle Name Last Name (Full Names should be written)
For affiliation superscript numbers should be written on the author’s Last name
Corresponding author should be marked as superscript*
Email of the corresponding author should be written below the address
Abstracts should include all the main work of the author only. References should not be used in abstracts. Abstracts should not contain more than one or two line of introduction. The abstract of the Full length article or review must not be more than 350 words. The abstract of the short communication should not be more than 80 words.
3 to 5 words as keywords i.e. important or technical words used in the articles.
Introduction should not be too short nor too long. The introduction should through light on the work already being undertaken on the topic. It should be supported by references from standard journals.
Literature Review
The literature review should contain information regarding the latest research being carried out in the world in the related field. The references should be proper and latest. Referencing of SCI, Scopus, IEEE, American Chemical Society etc. research papers is recommended.
Research Methodology/ Experimental Procedure
This section should include the information about theory and experimental set ups and procedure. Various steps followed and formulae used. Can be supported by figures, line diagrams , photos etc.
Result and Discussion
The result can be reported in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams etc. The labelling of the graphs must be done through 8 to 10 point font i.e. it should be clearly visible.
The data analysed should be statistically analysed and the significance should be stated. All tables and figures must have a title or caption and a legend to make them self-explanatory
The discussion part deal with interpretation of the results , the logical statements in support of the findings of the author. The author should write few lines regarding the applications and importance of the work in future.
The result and discussion should be followed by conclusion of the research work which is being undertaken. The pros and cons and the scope of future work.
The acknowledgement should be brief and must be written about the original supporters of the work and to the reputed institutions. Financial support for the reserch project by any organization should also be reported.
References should be done sequentially in order of their citation in the text.
The et al. should only be used with references having more than three authors. The references should be taken from standard journal of ISI, Scopus, IC NAAS , CAS etc.
Ethics of human and animal experimentation
Those articles which are describing experimental work on humans or animals should submit an approval of the ethical committee of the institution where the actual work has been carried out.
Experiments with animals should be done in accordance with the legal requirements of the relevant local or national authority. Procedures should be such that experimental animals do not suffer unnecessarily. Papers should include details of the procedures and of anesthetics used.
Proof Correction
Once the articles is accepted after successful peer review, the article is is published online and a PDF in journal format is prepared.
After Acceptance
A digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string by a registration agency to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the internet. The assigned DOI is never subject to change. Hence it is an ideal medium for citing a document, particularly Articles in Press’ as their full bibliographic information is not received by them.
Example of properly given DOI (GEORGE MATHEW Equivalent Circulant Graphs associated with a Binary Cyclic Code, jusps-A, 2016., 28(5).,251-258
Example of properly given DOI (S.K. SHARMA , S.N. OJHA and NEERAJ KUMAR Evolution of Flare Generated Magnetohydrodynamic Shock in Solar Wind jusps-B, 2016., 28(5)., 127-133
Licensing Policy
As open access journal JUSPS follows the Creative Commons Attribution-Non commercial-Share Alike 4.0 international License.
Furthermore, we explain in simple language so as to make is understandable for Authors, Publishers, Institutions and common readers etc. as under:
Ethics in Publishing
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences follows Publication Ethics Policy in large part on the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on publication Ethics (COPE).
Submission and Copyright Declaration
Submission of a manuscript to JUSPS for publication implies that the same work has not been either published or under consideration for publication in another journal. The copyright form duly signed by all author’s should be submitted online while submitting manuscript.
Conflict of interest
All authors are requested to disclose any conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that can influence their work.
By submitting articles to Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences the author attest as listed below:
Manuscript can be submitted through Online Submission form available on the website or email to Chief Editor/Editor/Associate Chief Editor
Authors are required to submit, with the manuscript, the names, addresses and email addresses of five pioneer workers to act as potential reviewers. Please only send the names who can commit to the review, if invited. Note that the editor retains the sole right on the selection of reviewers and articles.
Correction and Retraction Policy
Corrections are published if the publication record is seriously affected with regard to the accuracy of published information. Corrections are published in the in the subsequent issue under corrections and addendum.
Retractions are done when the main conclusion of the article is seriously undermined.
Readers should first contact the authors of the original paper and then write to the publisher, together with the copies of the correspondence with the authors. The editors will consult reviewers for their comments. The articles will be retracted in cases such as multiple submission, plagiarism or fraudulent use of data.
Changes of Authors
Before the accepted manuscript is published in an online issue: Requests to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, must be sent to the Editor/Chief Editor from the corresponding author of the accepted manuscript and must include.
Ghostwriting Firewall
A declaration of contributions from individual co-authors in the preparation of the article should be submitted.
For Publication charges please check Publication charges page on the website.
Refund Policy
Once the paper is accepted for publication and the payment is provided by the author. No refund will be made due to any reason whatsoever.
Refund can only be made if the journal fails to publish the article due to some unavoidable circumstances. This refund will exclude the bank processing charges.
Points to be checked before article submission