
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - A
Voulume: 30
Issue: 12
Article No. 1
Modelling of Friedreich’s Ataxia and other Genetic Disorders as Defective / Noisy Genetic Information Processing
M.Sc.. Applied Mathematics from G.S. Institute of Tech. and Sc., Indore, M.P. (India)
Ph.D., Retired Prof. of Mathematics from G.S. Institute of Tech. and Sc., Indore, M.P., (India)
Abstract :

Genetic disorders are due to mutation of some gene. For example, Friedreich’s Ataxia is due to mutation of frataxin gene. The mutation causes transmission error (noise) in the transmission channel. In this paper we show how this transmission error can be calculated using information theory approach.

Keyword : Genetic disorder, Freiderichu2019s ataxia, Information theory
Paper Download Count : 793
View Count : 1183
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