Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - A

Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences A is a multidisciplinary international peer reviewed fully refereed open access scholarly journal published monthly. JUSPS publishes articles of pure and applied mathematics, mathematical sciences(all subjects involving mathematics like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering(all branches), Earth Sciences, Nanotechnology, Material Science, Management, Economics, Biotechnology) and engineering mathematics. The old ISSN of JUSPS was 0970-9150. The general impact factor of International Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences is 2.98 for the year 2017.Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences publishes high quality original research papers , short communications and review papers in all areas mathematics of academic, social and commercial significance. The Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences is indexed in various reputed international and national indexing agencies.

Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - A
Impact Factor: 2.98
Reg No.: 52077/90
ISSN: 2231-346X (Print)
ISSN: 2319-8044 (Online)
Periodicity: Monthly (Frequency 12 issues per year)
Year of Publication: 37th
Mobile: +91-9425014437, +91-9425605537
Current Issue : 2024 36(2)
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