Studies on Clustering, Based on Edge-Connectivity in a Fuzzy Graph

Author & Affiliation:
S. Gountia (
Teacher Fellow, G.M. College, Sambalpur (INDIA) Orissa
S. K. Sahoo (
Institute of Mathematics & Applications, Bhubaneswar (INDIA) ORISSA
Fuzzy graph, cluster, connectivity, edge connectivity, vertex connectivity
Issue Date:
August 2010

M. R. Anderberg (1973) and B. S. Everitt (1993) have developed the cluster Analysis which is a process to decompose the set of objects from a finite set into subgroups or clusters based on similarity. Crisp clustering techniques are classified into 3 groups according to the algorithmic approach as (i) Hierarchical clustering method (ii) Graph-Theoretic clustering method (iii) Objective function based clustering method. Graph-theoretic clustering methods are normally based on some kind of connectivity of the nodes of a graph representing the data set. The fuzzy graph approach is more powerful in cluster analysis than the usual graph-theoretic approach. The concept of fuzzy graph with edges associated with two types of weights were studied before9. In this study a min-max weight of the cut set and min-max edge connectivity are introduced. The clustering technique of narrow slicing procedure2 based on edge connectivity has been adopted for determining -edge components of a fuzzy graph.



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S. Gountia; S. K. Sahoo, "Studies on Clustering, Based on Edge-Connectivity in a Fuzzy Graph", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 2, Page Number 629-641, 2018

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S. Gountia; S. K. Sahoo, "Studies on Clustering, Based on Edge-Connectivity in a Fuzzy Graph", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 2, Page Number 629-641, 2018

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