Dozy-chaos end of the human civilization

Author & Affiliation:
Russian Academy of Sciences, Photochemistry Center, 7a Novatorov Street, Moscow, 119421, Russian Federation
human civilization end, egoistic and altruistic human genotype, self-examination of dozy chaos, genome-code conversion, global dozy chaos control, technological progress, physics of psychology and policy
Issue Date:
April, 2017

It is proposed to consider human beings and human community as very complex molecular physical systems in which dozy chaos plays a governing dynamic role. Dozy chaos is the cause of molecular quantum transitions and various chemical reactions, and as a result, the evolution of the entire molecular matter, up to the emergence of life, genome, and human being as such. It puts forward a concept of self-examination of dozy chaos, from which it is shown that mankind is likely doomed to failure in the short historical perspective as a result of the disastrous rise of egoistic inner contradictions, unless it learns to recode its genome from egoistic to altruistic by controlling dozy chaos on a global scale. It is argued that from the perspective of the survival of humanity in conditions of the existing egotistic human genotype, bipolar political arrangement of the world is preferable to both unipolar and multipolar arrangements of the world. It is shown that the gap between the high, and further growing rapidly, level of technological progress and an extremely low level of altruism of the human genotype, caused by our biological origin from the animal world, is the main and fatal source of our likely collective and common suicide in the near future.

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V. V. Egorov, "Dozy-chaos end of the human civilization", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 29, Issue 4, Page Number 87-96, 2017

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V. V. Egorov, "Dozy-chaos end of the human civilization", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 29, Issue 4, Page Number 87-96, 2017

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