
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - A
Voulume: 35
Issue: 6
Article No. 1
Higher Dimensional Bianchi V Models in f (R,T) Theory with Perfect Fluid Distribution
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur-313001 (INDIA)
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur-313001 (INDIA)
Abstract :

In this paper we have studied five-dimensional Bianchi type-V spacetime in the f (R,T) theory. To solve Einstein’s field equations, we have assumed that the Hubble parameter is inversely proportional toݎ ℎݐ power of the scale factor alpha i.e.

alpha 1/alphar. We have obtained a singular model for r >0, non-singular model for r=0. The physical behavior of the models has also been discussed using some physical parameters. 

Keyword : : Bianchi type-V, f (R,T) gravity, , deceleration parameter, , Higher dimension
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