1ITM University, Raipur (C. G.) India
2 Department of Mathematics Institute for Excellence in Higher Education Bhopal (M. P.) India
Corresponding Author* Email:-sss.math@yahoo.co.in
The aim of this research paper is to evaluate a double integral involving generalized I-function of two variables.
Copy the following to cite this article:
SHANTI SWAROOP DUBEY1 and S. S. SHRIVASTAVA2*, "On Double Integral Involving Generalized I-Function of Two Variables", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page Number 104-107, 2017Copy the following to cite this URL:
SHANTI SWAROOP DUBEY1 and S. S. SHRIVASTAVA2*, "On Double Integral Involving Generalized I-Function of Two Variables", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page Number 104-107, 2017Available from: https://www.ultrascientist.org/paper/780/