An accurate edge dominating set D of a graph G = (V,E) is an accurate connected edge dominating set, if < D > is connected. The accurate connected edge domination number (G) cae is the minimum cardinality of an accurate connected edge dominating set. In this paper, we initiate a study of (G) cae in terms of vertices, edges, cut vertices and different parameters of G . Further we characterize the accurate connected edge domination number in cartesian product and corona of graphs.
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V. M. Goudar; V. S.h; Venkatesha; T. K.m., "Accurate Connected Edge Domination Number in Graphs", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 29, Issue 7, Page Number 290-301, 2017Copy the following to cite this URL:
V. M. Goudar; V. S.h; Venkatesha; T. K.m., "Accurate Connected Edge Domination Number in Graphs", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 29, Issue 7, Page Number 290-301, 2017Available from: